February 2018.

This month the topic is Shape. The children will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes. If you have any empty tissue tubes, any small cartons or boxes kindly bring them along to nursery, the children will use them to build models and reinforce the 3D shape names and properties.

The topic will be split into weekly sub


Week 1/2 – 2D shape

Week 3 – Half term break (Camp)

Week 3 – 3D shape

Week 4 - Recap

Suggested Reading Books

Suggested Activities for Home!

A simple shape sorting/matching game is a great way to reinforce shape names as well as aiding the development of fine motoe skills and hand eye coordination.

A shape hunt is a fun way to help teach your child shape names. Whilst keeping the active.

Dates to remember…….

First aid training course 5th February 2018 (8a.m to 2p.m)

Nursery photos – 6th – 8th February 2018 Half term camp 11th – 15th February 2018

What’s been happening……

New shades...

We are delighted with the new shades covering our entire outside areas. The children can enjoy extended periods of time engaged in outside play and learning with protection from the elements all year round.

Tram journey…..

As part of our Transport topic Dolphin and Starfish class took an exciting trip on Dubai tram.

The children walked to the tram station and waited excitedly for the tram to arrive.

Once on board there was so much to see as the tram travelled along the track.

A big “Thank you� to all the mum’s and nannies who came along to support and made this valuable learning experience a reality for the children.

Sports Day…..

What an action packed, fun day we all had. The children and their parents participated in a wide variety of sports activities.

The professional sports coaches from “Just Play� had our dad’s participating in some very active events.

Then it was time for the mum’s to get involved as they competed in the mum’s Egg and spoon race.

Congratulations to the winner of the dad’s event and the winner of the mum’s event, each won a discount certificate for April 2018 term fees.

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