February 2017

This month’s topic: Shape

This topic will be split into weekly sub


Week 1 – 2D shapes Week 2 – 3D shapes Week 3 – Mid-term break Week 4 - 3D construction

Suggested Activities for Home!

Suggested Reading Books


A simple matching board is a fun activity to help young children recognize shapes and learn the names of new shapes.

For older children you can extend this activity by adding a shape dice, or adding various colour and size shapes.


Mid-term break – Sunday 12th – 16th February. Please call into reception if you wish to register your child for our fun packed Mid-term camp.

Nursery photographs - 19th – 21st February

First aid training – Monday 27th February, you can book your place(s) using the attached booking form.

What’s been happening………

Sports Day.

Children, staff and parents all participated in our Family fun Sports

Day, on Thursday 26th January.

Dads were very enthusiastic as they took part in the spinning penalty shootout, with each dad representing a different country. The football coach from F.C Dubai (Samy) was the referee and really encouraged all our dads to join in the fun.

Our mums also showed sporting agility as they took on the dizzy penalty shooting.

Congratulations to our winner of our Dad’s event, who one received a discount voucher for April term fees.